NOTE: If you would like copies of the materials used during the presentations or have questions, please contact the ULFA office.
Are you up for salary, tenure or promotion this year? Are you unsure what information is relevant or how much is too much? Are you serving on a STP committee and unsure what your role is? ULFA cordially invites you to our STP Workshops where you will be provided with a variety of tips and information on the STP process.
ULFA is changing the way we offer our STP Workshops so that the STP Workshop for Chairs/Committee members will be offered in the fall and the STP Workshop for applicants will be offered in the spring. This year, though, we will offer both workshops in the beginning of September so we don’t miss anyone who will be applying this fall. Please mark your calendars, ULFA’s two STP Workshops will be held between September 3rd & 4th.
Two workshops will be offered, each covering a different topic. The first workshop is designed to assist applicants who are applying for extension of probation, tenure and/or promotion. The second workshop is designed to assist STP Committee Chairs and members in their roles.
STP Workshop for Applicants
September 3, 2015 – 9:00-11:00am
Room: TH241
The presentation will cover the STP process as well as provide advise on putting together a teaching dossier, research materials, and the service component of assigned duties. As well, there will be information on how to engage the appeal process in the event of an unfavourable decision, along with a question and answer period.
STP Workshop for Committee Chairs and members
September 4, 2015 – 9:00-11:00am
Room: TH241
The presentation will cover the STP process as well as provide advise on chairing a STP Committee under our Handbook and how the STP Procedures relate to the Handbook. There will also be time for a questions and answer period.
Videoconferencing is available, please contact the ULFA office prior to August 27, 2015 to make arrangements.