It is that time of year when the STP hearings are wrapping up and the Faculty Association would like to highlight key rights available to you should you have any questions or need any assistance. If you have been successful in your application for continuation, extension, or tenure, we would like to congratulate you on your award. The information provided by clicking on the “continue reading”, though useful, will likely not be relevant to you at this time.
If you have had a negative decision from your STP hearing, you have the right to appeal the decision whether you’re a Faculty Member, Professional Librarian, Instructor, or Academic Assistant. Here is a summary of the appeal process and timelines from relevant articles in the Faculty Handbook (Article 24 Appeals; Article 17.04.3 Appeal Committee):
Receipt of the official Board decision triggers important deadlines: 10 working days to lodge notice of appeal and 15 days to provide particulars of the appeal. Grounds for appeal could be the improper procedure and/or improper application of the criteria in Article 12 (Professors) or Article 14 (Professional Librarians) or Article 15 (Instructors and Academic Assistants).
• If you are denied promotion, the appeal is handled internally by the Faculty Handbook Appeal Committee. This Committee has the authority to overrule the decision of the STP Committee. If you are denied by this committee, there is no further appeal option. Thankfully, there is no consequence on your salary and you may reapply for promotion in two years.
• If you are denied extension of probation or tenure as a Faculty Member or Librarian, or if you are denied a continuing appointment as an Instructor or Academic Assistant, you have two appeal mechanisms at your disposal:
(a) First, the STP Appeal Committee. This Committee has the authority to overrule the decision of the STP Committee.
(b) If the STP Appeal Committee upholds the negative decision, you have a right to appeal to a 3-person Hearing Committee.
A denial of promotion has no consequence on your salary and you can reapply in two years; however, a decision to deny continuation, extension, or tenure brings with it a terminal one-year contract. In any case, you have the right to appeal. For a lost appeal, it could be the end of your academic career. We strongly advise that you seek the guidance of ULFA immediately upon notice of a negative STP decision. We can help navigate the complicated network of appeals and, most importantly, we have experience in this process.