Fall General Meeting & Agenda
Hello Faculty Association Members,
You are cordially invited to the ULFA Fall General Meeting to be held on Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 12:00pm in room TH201. The provisional agenda for our meeting can be found here. Lunch and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) will be provided.
Video conferencing will be offered using the university’s WebEx program. This will allow members the ability to attend the meeting from anywhere in the world, whether they are on one of the Northern campuses, in their office, or abroad on study leave. To attend the meeting via WebEx, make arrangements with Derrick (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 403-329-2578) by December 6, 2016 and he will ensure you receive the meeting invite.
Nominations for membership on the Nominating Committee are still being accepted. The Nominating Committee is active in the spring semester only. Its mandate is to prepare a list of nominees to fill vacancies on the Executive and standing committees of the Association. Should you be interested in letting your name stand for election to this committee, please contact Derrick. You may also nominate someone who you believe would be well-suited to this committee, as long as the Member is aware of the nomination in advance and would agree to serve if elected.
Sessional Lecturers Handbook Ratification
Hello Faculty Association Members,
Following bargain earlier this year, you are invited to participate in the electronic ratification of the Sessional Lecturers Handbook. Relevant documents on the negotiated amendments can be found on the ULFA website, here.
Note: Please copy and paste the link in your browser if the link does not work. If you have issues in accessing the ballot, please email Annabree at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and she will assist in sorting out technical issues.
The ballot will close Friday, October 21, 2016 at 4pm. Results will be posted shortly after the ballot closes.
ULFA Submission to Government: Post-secondary Labour Relations Model
Dear Faculty Association Members,
Thank you for your input and participation in the consultation process on the changing legislation facing the post-secondary labour relations model. In advance of the October 17 deadline for submissions, please find the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association’s response here.
In addition to ULFA’s submission, the government has invited you to submit your own comments on their website at http://pslalabourrelations.alberta.ca/. You are welcome to submit your comments to the government directly. Should you agree with elements of the Association’s submission, you are welcome to borrow from the document in your response. I also welcome you to copy us in any submission to the government if you so desire.
We will keep you informed of any developments in subsequent consultations with the government.