Annual General Meeting Notice: April 16, 2018 at 12pm
Final Agenda: AGM
You are cordially invited to the ULFA Annual General Meeting on Monday, April 16, 2018 at 12pm in room PE275. The final agenda for our meeting can be found here. Lunch and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) will be provided.
Notice: All Candidates’ Forum
The Nominating Committee will present a recommendation for nominations to the Membership, including an election for the role of Vice-President/President Nominate. As a result of a contested election for a position on the ULFA Executive, an All Candidates’ Forum will take place immediately following the AGM on April 16 in room PE275.
The procedure for the All Candidates’ Forum will be organized according to ULFA policy. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with this protocol. Questions for the candidates are welcome in accordance with the policy, which requires that questions be written down in advance of the start of the forum. The Executive has provided a list of questions to present to the Candidates that can be found in the link above. Candidates’ Bios are located for review here.
For those of you who are unable to attend the meeting in person, WebEx videoconferencing will be available, but please make arrangements with the ULFA office ( or 403-329-2578) before April 15, 2018 to ensure you receive the meeting invite.
ULFA’s STP Workshop for Applicants
Getting Ready for Salary, Tenure & Promotion (STP) Applications
ULFA cordially invites you to our STP Workshops where you will be provided with a variety of tips and information on the STP process. The presentation will cover the STP process as well as provide advice on putting together a teaching dossier, research materials, and the service component of your application. The presenters are Jon Doan, VP/President Nominate & Annabree Fairweather, Executive Director, ULFA
Choose one of the following workshops that works best for your schedule:
- Calgary Workshop – Wednesday, March 21, 2018; 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.; Room: S6025 (Calgary Campus)
- Workshop #1 – Tuesday, March 27, 2018; 12:15 – 1:30 p.m.; Room: TH241
- UPDATE: Workshop #2 – Wednesday, April 4, 2018;1:00 – 2:50 p.m.; Room: TH241
To RSVP your attendance to Derrick (ext. 2578;
Men are Naturally Better Leaders? Canadians and Political Sexism – Dr. Melanee Thomas
ULFA’s Gender, Equity and Diversity Committee is proud to present Dr. Melanee Thomas, Assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Calgary (and former U of L student) on Friday, March 16 from 2-4 p.m. (AH176). Dr. Thomas will be presenting a talk entitled Men are Naturally Better Leaders: Canadians and Political Sexism.
Dr. Thomas was here in the fall where she discussed her book Mothers and Others: Understanding the Impact of Family Life on Politics. Her talk in March will focus on some of the new research she has been doing.
Dr. Thomas has also graciously agreed to come to any classes you may have on the Friday morning – see the attached poster for her bio and range of research interests. And please, let your students and anyone else you know who might be interested in coming to this talk – we’d like to have a good crowd for her. If you can post a copy of the attached poster in your areas, it would be much appreciated. The bookstore has also graciously agreed to sell her books at the talk.
ULFA Nominating Committee Call for Nominations
FROM: ULFA Nominating Committee
DATE: February 1, 2018
The ULFA Nominating Committee is now actively seeking interested individuals willing to fill vacancies on the Executive, standing and other committees for 2018-2019. Nominations are being sought for the following:
- Executive:
- President
- Vice-President/President Nominate (2 nominees) Chair, Handbooks
- Chair, Economic Benefits
- Chair, Gender, Equity and Diversity
- Handbooks Committee
- Economic Benefits Committee
- Grievance Committee
- Gender, Equity and Diversity Committee
- GFC Travel Committee
- GFC Academic Quality Assurance Committee
- Joint Work Site Health & Safety Committee
Additional information can be found on the ULFA website or by following this link: 2015.pdf
The Nominating Committee will present its list of nominees at the Annual General Meeting on April 16 from 12-3pm. In addition, nominations will be open from the floor. In the event that there is more than one nominee for a single position, an election will take place by electronic ballot as soon after the AGM as is possible. In the event that there is more than one candidate seeking election to the Executive Committee, an All Candidates Forum will be organized prior to the election.
If you are interested in serving the Association in some way, or know of someone who might be willing or well-suited to fill one of these vacancies, please contact one of the Nominating Committee members listed below or contact Derrick Antson in the ULFA office at ext. 2578 or at
Nominating Committee Members:
- Jason Laurendeau (A&S), Chair
- Andrea Amelinckx (Prof. Faculty)
- Jon Doan (A&S)
- Kent Peacock (A&S)
- Paula Cardozo (Library)
- Carla Carnaghan (Prof. Faculty)
- Beth Gerwin (A&S)
- Artur Luczak (A&S)
Bargaining Meet & Greet
Extra Sessions Added
April 23, for Instructors & Academic Assistants in L1170A from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.