Recently, the Support Network for Academics of Colour+ (SNAC+) at the University of Lethbridge released their completed
RED (Rights, Equity, Diversity) Project Report and Equity Audit 2019-2020. 

The RED Project Report is based on independent consultations across the UofL community and provides a critical look at the state of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at the UofL, using an intersectional lens. The report aims to give “a summative review on the status of equity-related initiatives, programs, and services at the University of Lethbridge,” and the project outcomes, including the Equity Audit, “aim to engage the University of Lethbridge and its constituents on the present state of EDI on campus and its possibilities for the future” (RED Project Final Report, p. 11). The report and outcomes were  authored by Glenda Tibe Bonifacio, Saurya Das, Caroline Hodes, and Jacklyne Cheruiyot.

ULFA would like to highlight the important work that has gone into creating the RED Project Report and its accompanying documents. This work provides a significant and timely  benchmark of the state of EDI at the UofL, and shows that much work remains to be done.

RED Project Final Report

Equity Audit

Claudia Steinke
ULFA President on behalf of the ULFA Executive