As per the ULFA Bylaws, adjunct professors are eligible for Associate Member status in the Association. Associate Members are not party to the collective agreement (Faculty Handbook) and do not pay full membership dues. For a $10 fee, Associate Members are entitled to receive Association communications, such as our newsletter, and have their names added to our email and regular mailing lists. As an Associate, you may also take advantage of university parking and recreation services at your own expense. To make application for Associate Membership or for further information, please contact the ULFA office at
Currently all full-time and continuing academic staff are members of the Universities Academic Pension Plan (UAPP) as per Schedule B of the Faculty Handbook. Details of this plan are available from Payroll and Benefits. For contracts that are less than 1.0 FTE but more than 0.5 FTE, membership and contributions may be prorated to the contract. In the case of <0.5 FTE contracts or Sessional Lecturer contracts, there is neither membership nor pension payout.
Retired Faculty Members
As per the ULFA Bylaws, retired Faculty Members are eligible for Associate Member status in the Association, free of charge. If desired, retirees may be added to ULFA’s mailing list for written communications. For more information please follow this link.
Study Leaves
A Faculty Member is eligible for a one-year study leave after six years of continuous service since appointment to the university or since completion of a previous leave. Alternatively, a Faculty Member is eligible for a six-month leave after three years of continuous service. During this study leave, a Faculty Member will receive 100% of his/her salary. Conditions/provisions for study leave do not appear in the Faculty Handbook. Furthermore, policies and procedures are Faculty specific. For example, Arts & Science has specific policies and procedures that may be different from those in the Faculty of Education, which are different again from those in the Dhillon School of Business.
Study leave is not automatic; rather, it is awarded by the Dean upon recommendation of a committee of peers and it is based on the merit of the application. A Member would normally submit an application for study leave in the fall semester (or in May for the Faculty of Arts & Science) at the beginning of one’s 2nd year (for half-year leave) or 5th year (for full-year leave).
Applicants are typically notified of the status of their applications in December of the year in which the application was made. Once approved, Faculty Members are eligible to apply for Study Leave Relocation Funding through the Faculty Association. ULFA automatically sends out information packages and application forms early in January, with a deadline of mid-February. An annual fund total of $35,000 is available to assist Members with the cost of relocating as related to their study leave. Allocations are made based on the recommendation of the Study Leave Relocation Committee.
Tenure Process
The Faculty Association as well as tenured Faculty Members and those who have sat on STP Committees are helpful sources of information. All information related to Probation and Tenure can be found in Article 19 of the Faculty Handbook.
ULFA Meetings
Information regarding meetings is contained in Article 6 of the ULFA Bylaws.
ULFA Scholarship & Tuition Benefit
ULFA Academic Scholarship
The Faculty Association has an annual academic scholarship fund which can be accessed through this link. Contact Scholarships and Student Finance Office for more information.
Member’s Tuition Benefit
Schedule B.06 of the Faculty Handbook contains information about the tuition benefit for academic staff members.
Spouse & Dependant’s Tuition Benefit
Schedule B.07 of the Faculty Handbook contains information about the tuition benefit for spouses and dependents of academic staff members.